When individuals from two schools are sharing a hotel room, follow these steps below. Only ONE school should submit the reservation for the shared room.
In order to complete these steps, the student who is going to be listed under a different chapter's hotel reservation MUST BE registered for the conference and must NOT be in a hotel room.
These are the steps for the chapter who is submitting the hotel reservation for the shared room. There are two parts to this process.
Part 1
Original chapter advisor (for the student who is listed by the chapter who is NOT making the hotel reservation for the student).
- Follow the necessary steps to add the student to your conference registration attendee list.
- Add the students into their events.
- Notify the chapter advisor from the other school that your student is registered for the conference. The other chapter advisor will complete Part 2 indicated below.
- Once you are notified that the other chapter advisor has submitted their hotel reservation and registration, click the "Submit Registration" button for your own chapter registration.
Part 2
- Click on the "Housing" button.
- Click on the "Add from Another Chapter" link. (NOTE: This function allows you to select someone from another chapter to add to your reservation. Begin by selecting the chapter that the person is currently registered with. Please note that the person you wish to add MUST BE registered for the conference and must NOT be in a hotel room.)
- Select the appropriate Chapter from the "Please select chapter" drop-down menu.
- Click on the "Select" button Select the appropriate Individual from the "Please select an individual" drop-down menu.
- Click on the "Select" button.
- Select the appropriate "Room Type" from the "Select Room Type" drop-down menu
- Select the appropriate "Room Number" from the "Select Room #" drop-down menu.
- Select the appropriate individual by selecting the checkbox next to their name.
- Click on the "Add To Room" button.
- When finished, click on the "Submit Hotel Reservation" button.
- The school submitting the reservation for the shared room should indicate in the Comments section of the general hotel information section of the online reservation form that an individual from another school (providing the individual's name and school) is sharing that hotel room.
On the hotel invoice for each chapter, the invoice will reflect only that chapter's portion of the bill for that room. Each chapter will be responsible for paying their portion of the room directly to the hotel.