Membership dues are processed online at Go to this website and review the membership procedures and online registration section. You will need a username and password to access the system.
If you do not see the "Add Students" button, you must follow complete the "Graduate Students" process. Graduate means the student(s) will no longer be a member of your chapter.
1. Click on the “Student” tab.
2. Click on the red “Graduate” button.
3. Review the students listed on the screen. If all are correct, click on the “Select All”
4. If all are NOT correct, you may individually select certain checkboxes and click on the
“Drop Selected" button at the bottom of the screen (Click Confirm).
5. Once you’ve verified that the remaining students are to Graduate, click on the
“Select All” button.
6. Click on the “Graduation Completed” button at the bottom of the screen.
7. Read the “Graduation Complete” message and confirm “Yes” or “No”.
Click here for information on where to mail your membership payment.